Press, blogs & tidbits

We don't always want you to hear from us, so from time to time, if we think there is other news worthy of your ears then we'll post it here.

At the Allergy + Free From show in Glasgow last month we met Nathalie, The Intolerant Gourmand. Her son is, at last count, a sufferer of 18 allergies, and she has to be incredibly careful about his food intake. Here is her take on the Glasgow show, in which we are very pleased to have had a mention


 We were approached by an amazing woman, Stephanie Seege, who has started a website, called Helpings, that is designed to help other people who have had similar problems to her. She now leads a dairy and wheat free lifestyle, making our bread perfect for her. Please have a flick through her latest article:


 Rana was flicking through her copy of Eating and Living Gluten Free magazine, and what should pop out at her, but a best buy page for breads, and who does she see featured there?? Well us of course!! Here's their facebook page: and here's their twitter page:

[23/06/16: Sadly - Eating and Living Gluten Free magazine has now shut its doors. Gluten Free Heaven magazine is a great alternative however]


 Alex Gazzola, a freelance writer in several spheres, from journalism to books, has included us in his guide to food free from all 14 major allergens. This is a great source for anyone with allergies, but also for trade establishments needing to avoid complicated labelling issues for various reasons. He will add to it as they come across his radar.


 GlutenfreeTilly is one of the bloggers we met just before Christmas at the Celia event. Here is her latest piece, and we're in it, which is great!! Thanks Tilly


 And while we're at it, we also had a piece written about us, amongst others, from Hannah Frankie who writes the great franklyglutenfree blog:

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